Publications on books and journals

Ubaldo Cella, Viviana Ferretti, Andrea Terracciano, Daniele Liuzzi, Daniele Drigo, Francesco Di Matteo and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “Optimizing the shape of the M10 engine’s injector head methane circuit using RBF mesh morphing“, Futurities – Winter 2022.

Ubaldo Cella, Daniele Patrizi, Stefano Porziani, Torbjörn Virdung and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “Integration within Fluid Dynamic Solvers of an Advanced Geometric Parameterization Based on Mesh Morphing” Fluids, Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2022, doi: 10.3390/fluids7090310.

Ubaldo Cella, Corrado Groth, Stefano Porziani, Alberto Clarich, Francesco Franchini and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “Combining Analytical Models and Mesh Morphing Based Optimization Techniques for the Design of Flying Multihulls Appendages“, Journal of Sailing Technology, Volume 6, Issue 01, February 2021, doi: 10.5957/jst/2021.6.1.151.

A. Felici, A. Martínez-Pascual, C. Groth, L. Geronzi, S. Porziani, U. Cella, C. Brutti and M. E. Biancolini, “Analysis of Vortex Induced Vibration of a Thermowell by High Fidelity FSI Numerical Analysis Based on RBF Structural Modes Embedding“, In: Computational Science – ICCS 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 12746, Springer, Cham, June, 2021, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-77977-1_37.

Ubaldo Cella, Francesco Salvadore, Raffaele Ponzini and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “VPP Coupling High-Fidelity Analyses and Analytical Formulations for Multihulls Sails and Appendages Optimization“, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 6, May 2021, doi: 10.3390/jmse9060607.

Katia Capellini, Emanuele Gasparotti, Ubaldo Cella, Emiliano Costa, Benigno Marco Fanni, Corrado Groth, Stefano Porziani, Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Simona Celi, “A novel formulation for the study of the ascending aortic fluid dynamics with in vivo data“, Medical Engineering & Physics, Volume 91, May 2021, Pages 68-78, doi: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2020.09.005.

Antonio Maglione, Ubaldo Cella, Marco E. Biancolini and Leonardo Lecce, “Innovative Approach for Use of Hydrofoils on Ultralight Seaplane“, Aerotecnica Missili & Spazio, April 2021, doi: 10.1007/s42496-021-00078-2.

Leonardo Geronzi, Emanuele Gasparotti, Katia Capellini, Ubaldo Cella, Corrado Groth, Stefano Porziani, Andrea Chiappa, Simona Celi, Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “High fidelity fluid-structure interaction by radial basis functions mesh adaption of moving walls: a workflow applied to an aortic valve“, Journal of Computational Science, Volume 51, April 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.jocs.2021.101327.

Ubaldo Cella, Pierluigi Della Vecchia, Corrado Groth, Stefano Porziani, Andrea Chiappa, Francesco Giorgetti, Fabrizio Nicolosi and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “Wind Tunnel Model Design and Aeroelastic Measurements of the RIBES Wing“, ASCE’s Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Volume 34, Issue 1, January 2021, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0001199.

Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Corrado Groth, Stefano Porziani, Andrea Chiappa, Francesco Giorgetti, Fabrizio Nicolosi and Ubaldo Cella, “Validation of Structural Modeling for Realistic Wing Topologies Involved in FSI Analyses: RIBES Test Case“, ASCE’s Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Volume 34, Issue 1, January 2021, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0001200.

Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Ubaldo Cella, Corrado Groth, Pierluigi Di Giovanni and Alessandro Nizzoli, “Shape Optimization of 3D Printed High Performance Automotive Parts“, Advances in Engineering Research, Volume 41, Chapter 4, Nova Science Publishers, December 2020.

Katia Capellini, Emanuele Gasparotti, Ubaldo Cella, Emiliano Costa, Margherita Cioffi, Corrado Groth, Stefano Porziani, Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Simona Celi, “Implementazione di un nuovo workflow per lo studio dell’emodinamica paziente specifico tramite simulazione numerica“, A&C Analisi e Calcolo, N. 100, Sep/Oct 2020.

Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Ubaldo Cella, Corrado Groth and Stefano Porziani, “Tools and methodologies for generating digital twins in medical research”, EnginSoft Newsletter, Year 17, n°2, Summer 2020.

Evangelos Biancolini and Ubaldo Cella (eds), “Flexible Engineering Toward Green Aircraft“, Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Volume 92, March 2020, Springer, Cham, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-36514-1.

Corrado Groth, Ubaldo Cella, Emiliano Costa and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “Fast high fidelity CFD/CSM fluid structure interaction using RBF mesh morphing and modal superposition method“, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology journal, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.1108/AEAT-09-2018-0246.

Marco Evangelos Biancolini and Ubaldo Cella, “Radial Basis Functions Update of Digital Models on Actual Manufactured Shapes“, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 14, Issue 2, January, 2019, doi: 10.1115/1.4041680.

Alberto Clarich, Luca Battaglia, Enrico Nobile, Marco Evangelos Biancolini and Ubaldo Cella, “Il metodo dell’aggiunto combinato a tecniche di mesh morphing per l’ottimizzazione fluidodinamica“, A&C Analisi e Calcolo, N. 88, Sep/Oct 2018.

Biancolini M. E., Chiappa A., Giorgetti F., Groth C., Cella U. and Salvini P., “A balanced load mapping method based on Radial Basis Functions and Fuzzy Sets“, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Volume 115, Issue 12, pp. 1411-1429, September 21st 2018, doi: 10.1002/nme.5850.

Michele Calì, Salvatore Massimo Oliveri, Ubaldo Cella, Massimo Martorelli, Antonio Gloria and Domenico Speranza, “Mechanical characterization and modeling of downwind sailcloth in fluid-structure interaction analysis“, Ocean Engineering, Volume 165, pp. 488 – 504, October 1st 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.07.011.

Ubaldo Cella, Corrado Groth, Pierluigi Di Giovanni, Alessandro Nizzoli and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “Ottimizzazione di componenti stampati in 3D per il miglioramento delle prestazioni di autovetture sportive“, A&C Analisi e Calcolo, N. 85, Mar/Apr 2018.

Ubaldo Cella, Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Alberto Clarich and Francesco Franchini, “Tecnologie CAE avanzate per la progettazione delle “foil” di un catamarano Classe A“, A&C Analisi e Calcolo, N. 84, Jan/Feb 2018.

Ubaldo Cella, Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Alberto Clarich and Francesco Franchini, “Foiling A-Class Catamarans – Application of Cutting-Edge Technologies to Improve Sailing Performance”, EnginSoft Newsletter, Year 14, n°3, Autumn 2017.

Biancolini M. E., Costa E., Cella U., Groth C., Veble G., Andrejasic M., “Glider Fuselage–Wing Junction Optimization using CFD and RBF Mesh Morphing”, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology journal, Vol. 88, Iss. 6, Aug. 2016, doi: 10.1108/AEAT-12-2014-0211.

Biancolini M. E., Cella U., Groth C., Genta M., “Static Aeroelastic Analysis of an Aircraft Wind-Tunnel Model by Means of Modal RBF Mesh Updating”, ASCE’s Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Volume 29, Issue 6, November 2016, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000627.

Costa E., Porziani S., Biancolini M. E., Groth C., Cella U., Veble G., Andrejasic M., “Ottimizzazione aerodinamica di un aliante industriale mediante l’utilizzo di RBF”, A&C Analisi e Calcolo, N. 64, Sep 2014.

Ubaldo Cella, Michele Mancini, Giorgio Travostino, “Ottimizzazione dell’ala di un velivolo classe Business”, A&C Analisi e Calcolo, N. 56, May 2013.

Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Ubaldo Cella, Michele Mancini, Giorgio Travostino, “Shaping up – Mesh morphing reduces the time required to optimize an aircraft wing”, ANSYS Advantage, Volume VII, Issue 1, 2013.

Ubaldo Cella and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “Aeroelastic Analysis of Aircraft Wind–Tunnel Model Coupling Structural and Fluid Dynamic Codes”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol 49, n. 2, pp. 407 – 414, March – April 2012, doi: 10.2514/1.C031293.

Ubaldo Cella, Domenico Quagliarella, Raffaele Donelli, Biagio Imperatore, “Design and Test of the UW–5006 Transonic Natural Laminar Flow Wing”, AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 47, n. 3, pp. 783 – 795, May – June 2010, doi: 10.2514/1.40932.

Ubaldo Cella and Diego Giuseppe Romano, “Assessment of Optimization Algorithms for Winglet Design”, EnginSoft Newsletter, Year 7, n°1, Spring 2010.

Ubaldo Cella and Arthur Rizzi, “Sensitivity to Physical and Numerical Modelling in Navier–Stokes Simulations”, ASCE’s Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol.13 Iss.2, pp. 47 – 51, Apr. 2000, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0893-1321(2000)13:2(47).

Conferences proceedings

Lopez A., Magri G., Cella U., Urso G., Della Barba F. and Biancolini M. E., “Efficient Shape Optimization in Aeronautics: Integrating Parametric CAD and Mesh Morphing for Enhanced Aerodynamic Performance“, 34th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2024, 9 – 13 September 2024 Florence, Italy.

Andrea Lopez, Ubaldo Cella, Corrado Groth and Marco E. Biancolini, “Design and Optimization of Aeronautical Components and Digital Twins Development“, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1306, 52° Conference on Engineering Mechanical Design and Stress Analysis (AIAS 2023), 6 – 9 September 2023 Genova, Italy, doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/1306/1/012025.

Antonio Maglione, Ubaldo Cella, Marco E. Biancolini and Leonardo Lecce, “Innovative Approach for Use of Hydrofoils on Ultralight Seaplane“, Progress in Marine Science and Technology, pp. 87 – 96, Volume 5: HSMV 2020, doi: 10.3233/PMST200030.

Leonardo Geronzi, Emanuele Gasparotti, Katia Capellini, Ubaldo Cella, Corrado Groth, Stefano Porziani, Andrea Chiappa, Simona Celi and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “Advanced Radial Basis Functions Mesh Morphing for High Fidelity Fluid-Structure Interaction with Known Movement of the Walls: Simulation of an Aortic Valve“, In: Krzhizhanovskaya V. et al. (eds) Computational Science – ICCS 2020. ICCS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12142. Springer, Cham, pp. 280-293, June 2020, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50433-5_22.

Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Andrea Chiappa, Ubaldo Cella, Emiliano Costa, Corrado Groth and Stefano Porziani, “Radial Basis Functions Mesh Morphing: A Comparison Between the Bi-harmonic Spline and the Wendland C2 Radial Function“, In: Krzhizhanovskaya V. et al. (eds) Computational Science – ICCS 2020. ICCS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12142. Springer, Cham, pp. 294 – 308, June 2020, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50433-5_23.

Corrado Groth, Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Emiliano Costa and Ubaldo Cella “Validation of High Fidelity Computational Methods for Aeronautical FSI Analyses“, In: Biancolini M., Cella U. (eds) Flexible Engineering Toward Green Aircraft. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, vol 92, pp. 29 – 48, March 2020, Springer, Cham, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-36514-1_3.

Michele Calì, Domenico Speranza, Ubaldo Cella and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “Flying Shape Sails Analysis by Radial Basis Functions Mesh Morphing”, in Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering, ADM 2019, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp 24-36, Springer, September 2019, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-31154-4_3.

K. Capellini, U. Cella, E. Costa, E. Gasparotti, B.M. Fanni, M. E. Biancolini and S. Celi, “A coupled CFD and RBF mesh morphing technique as surrogate for one-way FSI study”, ESB-ITA Meeting 2019, 30 September – 1 October 2019, Bologna (Italy).

E. Gasparotti, U. Cella, E. Vignali, E. Costa, G. Soldani, A. Cavallo, P. Losi, M.E. Biancolini and S. Celi, “A combined approach of numerical simulation and additive manifacturingtechnique for in-silico and in-vitro testing of a 3D printing-based aorticpolymeric heart valve”, 2nd International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing – Sim-AM 2019, 11 – 13 September, Pavia (Italy).

Groth C., Porziani S., Chiappa A., Giorgetti F., Cella U., Nicolosi F., Della Vecchia P., Mastroddi F., Coppotelli G. and Biancolini M. E., “Structural validation of a realistic wing structure: the RIBES test article”, Procedia Structural Integrity, Volume 12, pp 448 – 456, Elsevier B.V., December 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2018.11.073.

Alberto Clarich, Luca Battaglia, Enrico Nobile, Marco Evangelos Biancolini and Ubaldo Cella, “Adjoint Optimization combined with mesh morphing for CFD applications”, 34th International CAE Conference and Exhibition, 8 – 9 October 2018, Vicenza (Italy).

Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Ubaldo Cella, Alberto Clarich and Francesco Franchini, “Multi-objective Optimization of A-Class Catamaran Foils Adopting a Geometric Parameterization Based on RBF Mesh Morphing”, in Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design Optimization and Control With Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems, Computational Methods in Applied Sciences Series, Vol 49, Springer International Publishing, 2018, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-89890-2_30.

Biancolini M. E., Cella U., Groth C., Chiappa A., Giorgetti F. and Nicolosi F., “Progresses in Fluid Structure Interaction Numerical Analysis Tools within the EU CS RIBES Project”, in Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design Optimization and Control With Applications to Industrial and Societal Problems, Computational Methods in Applied Sciences Series, Springer International Publishing, 2018, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-89890-2_34.

Ubaldo Cella, Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Alberto Clarich and Francesco Franchini, “Constrained Geometric Parameterization by Mesh Morphing for a Catamaran Foils Optimization Procedure”, 33rd International CAE Conference and Exhibition, 6 – 7 November 2017, Vicenza (Italy).

Chiappa A., Biancolini M. E., Cella U., Giorgetti F. and Groth C., “A conservative pressure mapping method based on Radial Basis Functions and Fuzzy Subsets”, 32nd International CAE Conference and Exhibition, 17 – 18 October 2016, Parma, (Italy).

Ubaldo Cella, Filippo Cucinotta and Felice Sfravara, “Sail Plan Parametric CAD Model for an A–Class Catamaran Numerical Optimization Procedure Using Open Source Tools”, in Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing, Lecture Notes series in Mechanical Engineering, pp 547 – 554, Sep. 2016, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45781-9_55.

Ubaldo Cella, Corrado Groth and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “Geometric Parameterization Strategies for shape Optimization Using RBF Mesh Morphing”, in Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing, Lecture Notes series in Mechanical Engineering, pp 537 – 545, Sep. 2016, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45781-9_54.

Kapsoulis D. H, Asouti V. G., Giannakoglou K. C., Porziani S., Costa E., Groth C., Cella U and Biancolini M. E., “Evolutionary Aerodynamic Shape Optimization through the RBF4AERO Platform”, 7th ECCOMAS Congress 2016, 5 – 10 June 2016, Crete Island, Greece.

Bernaschi M., Sabellico A., Urso G., Costa E., Porziani S., Lagasco F., Groth C., Cella U, Biancolini M. E., Kapsoulis D. H, Asouti V. G., Giannakoglou K. C., “The RBF4AERO Benchmark Technology Platform”, 7th ECCOMAS Congress 2016, 5 – 10 June 2016, Crete Island, Greece.

Kapsoulis D. H, Asouti V. G., Papoutsis-Kiachagias E. M., Giannakoglou K. C., Porziani S., Costa E., Groth C., Cella U, Biancolini M. E., Andrejašič M., Eržen D., Bernaschi M., Sabellico A., Urso G., “Aircraft & Car Shape Optimization on the RBF4AERO Platform”, 11th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 27 – 30 May 2016, Athens, Greece.

Cella U., Biancolini M. E., Groth C., Chiappa A., Beltramme D., “Development and Validation of Numerical Tools for FSI Analysis and Structural Optimization: the EU RIBES Project status”, AIAS 44th National Congress, 2 – 5 September 2015, Messina, Italy.

Viola I. M., Biancolini M. E., Sacher M., Cella U., “A CFD–Based Wing Sail Optimization Method Coupled to a VPP”, 5th High Performance Yacht Design international conference, 8 – 12 March 2015, Auckland (NZ).

Costa E., Biancolini M. E., Groth C., Cella U., Veble G., Andrejasic M., “RBF–based aerodynamic optimization of an industrial glider”, 30th International CAE Technologies, 27 – 28 October 2014, Verona (Italy).

Thomas Streit, Karl Heinz Horstmann, Géza Schrauf, Stefan Hein, Uwe Fey, Yasuhiro Egami, Jean Perraud, Itham Salah El Din, Ubaldo Cella, Jürgen Quest, “Complementary Numerical and Experimental Data Analysis of the ETW TELFONA Pathfinder Wing Transition Test”, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4 – 7 January 2011, Orlando, Florida (USA).

Ubaldo Cella and Marco Evangelos Biancolini, “An advanced RBF Morph application: coupled CFD-CSM Aeroelastic Analysis of a Full Aircraft Model and Comparison to Experimental Data”, 8th MIRA International Vehicle Aerodynamics Conference, 13 – 14 Oct. 2010, Oxford, (United Kingdom).

Thomas Streit, Géza Schrauf, Itham Salah El Din, Ubaldo Cella, Uwe Fey, Yasuhiro Egami, “The TELFONA Pathfinder Model, A Second Look”, V European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ECCOMAS CFD 2010, 14 – 17 June 2010, Lisbon, (Portugal).

Ubaldo Cella and Diego Giuseppe Romano, “Winglets design and assessment of optimization algorithms”, CAE Technologies International Conference. October 2009, Bergamo (Italy).

Roberto Fauci, Alessio Nicolì, Biagio Imperatore, Ubaldo Cella, “Wind Tunnel Tests of a Transonic Natural Laminar Flow Wing”, 25th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 5 – 8 June 2006, San Francisco, California (USA), doi: 10.2514/6.2006-3638.

Ubaldo Cella, Domenico Quagliarella and Raffaele Donelli, “Design and Optimisation of a Transonic Natural Laminar Flow Airfoil”, AIDAA (Associazione Italiana Di Aeronautica e Astronautica) XVIII National Conference, September 2005, Volterra (Italy).

Conferences presentations

Ubaldo Cella, “High performance RBF mesh morphing solutions to face typical aerospace problems”, Ansys Innovation Conference, 22 – 23 May 2019, Coventry (UK).

Ubaldo Cella, Marco Evangelos Biancolini and Andy Wade, “RBF Morph and ANSYS Contribution to GMGW-2 (case 3 – OPAM-1)”, 2nd AIAA Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop, 5 – 6 January 2019, San Diego, California (USA).

Alberto Clarich, Luca Battaglia, Enrico Nobile, Marco Evangelos Biancolini and Ubaldo Cella, “Adjoint Optimization combined with mesh morphing for CFD applications”, Aerospace Simulation Engineering: Navigating the Digital Thread, 18 October 2018, Seattle, (USA).

Andrejašič M., Eržen D., Costa E., Porziani S., Papoutsis-Kiachagias E. M., Kapsoulis D. H, Asouti V. G., Giannakoglou K. C., Cella U., Groth C., Biancolini M. E., Sabellico A., “Adjoint and EAs based aerodynamic shape optimization on industrial test cases using RBF4AERO platform”, 4th OpenFOAM User Conference, 11 – 13 October 2016, Cologne, Germany. (abstract)

Costa E., Porziani S., Biancolini M. E., Groth C., Cella U., “Structural Optimization of a Wing for Wind Tunnel Testing Through Mesh Morphing”, EASN 5th International Workshop on Aerostructure, 2 – 4 September 2015, Manchester (UK).

Gabriele Milanese and Ubaldo Cella, “Automotive Axial Flow Fans: modeling and design”, SCILABTEC2015, 7th International Scilab User Conference, 21 – 22 May 2015, Paris (FR).

Ubaldo Cella, Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Corrado Groth, “Reshaping the future of aircraft design using advanced mesh morphing RBF Morph”, Move The Future: future transport Challenges Workshop Energy efficiency and the environment, CIRA (Italian Aerospace Research Centre), 23 – 24 April 2015, Capua (CE), Italy.

Gabriele Milanese and Ubaldo Cella, “Automotive axial flow fans: design and optimization”, 30th International CAE Technologies, 27 – 28 October 2014, Verona (Italy). (abstract)

Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Ubaldo Cella, Michele Mancini, Giorgio Travostino, “Optimization of wing efficiency vs. sweep angles using mesh morphing”, 28th International CAE Conference, 22 – 23 October 2012, Verona, (Italy). (abstract)

Marco Evangelos Biancolini, Ubaldo Cella, Aniello Cozzolino, “Fluid Structure Interaction with RBF Morph: Aeroelastic Analysis of a Full Aircraft Model and Comparison with Experimental Data”, EFMC9 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, 9 – 13 September 2012, Rome (Italy). (abstract)

Ubaldo Cella, Diego Romano, Francesco Franchini, “Design and Numerical Optimization of Winglets of a Piaggio Aircraft”, AIRTEC 5th International Aerospace Conference, November 2 – 4, 2010, Frankfurt, (Germany).


Ubaldo Cella, “Setup and Validation of High Fidelity Aeroelastic Analysis Methods Based on RBF Mesh Morphing”, Ph.D. thesis, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

Ubaldo Cella, Francesco Salvadore, Raffaele Ponzini, “Coupled Sail and Appendage Design Method for Multihull Based on Numerical Optimisation”, PRACE – EU SHAPE Project final report, 5th July 2016, available online at