Web site terms and conditions of use
Design Methods is owned by Ubaldo Cella (Fiscal Code: 03143730830). By accessing this web site, you accept these Terms and Conditions of Use as a legal agreement between you and the site owner.
This web site is designed for general information purposes only. Its contents (text, pictures, images, graphics and any other items provided) are belonging to Design Methods. All rights are reserved and protected by Italian laws and international conventions. The copy and use in any form of any part of this web site (words, images, graphic representations or other information) is not permitted without the prior written authorization of its owner.
Design Methods has made a good faith effort to provide correct information at this web site. Some inaccuracies may, however, appear. No liability is assumed in relation to the content of this site. In no event Design Methods will be responsible for damages of any nature resulting from your use of information contained on this web wite. Design Methods also reserves the right to change the web site and these terms of use at any time.
External links
Design Methods assumes no responsibility for information published by third parties to which this web site may be linked. Any access to other sites from this site is at your own risk. Any hyperlink provided by Design Methods to another site is not an endorsement, sponsorship, association or affiliation by Design Methods with respect to such sites, their owners or their contributors.
Design Methods shall not be liable for any damages, loss or harm of whatsoever nature or cause arising, which third parties may suffer as a result of any contact with this web site. The owners of the sites mentioned or linked to pages on this site may require the removal of such links by sending an email to
Privacy policy
Design Methods ensures the privacy of this site users. No personal information is required to obtain its access. You may, however, choose to provide your personal information. Design Methods warrants that such informations will not be shared with third parties without your approval except for the use required by law. Personal information may be, according to law, collected, maintained and processed by the Firm in order to be able to answer questions and provide information to users who might request.
No control or monitor on the privacy policies of third party web sites to which this site is linked is performed.